感謝粉絲團成員 Kcn Chen 幫忙翻譯<(_ _)>


Lamigo's "Yo-Yo" Man lit up CPBL All-Star Weekend
The young star won the home run derby for the second straight year

Jason Pan, in Chinese Taipei (Wednesday, July 25, 2012)


Chung Chen-Yo, the hard-hitting outfielder for the Lamigo Monkeys, was the big winner in the All-Star actions this past weekend.
鍾承佑,來自Lamigo Monkeys的強打外野手,是上週中華職棒明星賽的大贏家。

Known as "Yo-Yo", stemming from his name, Chung is one of the hot young stars and fan favourites in the CPBL (Chinese Professional Baseball League).

Not particularly powerfully-built (at 180 cm and 82 kg), nevertheless, he possesses a quick, compact swing and has sharp eyes for good pitching selection.

Up to this week, the Lamigo Monkey slugger has been a constant offensive threat. He was hitting at .301, with 17 doubles, 4 triples, 5 homers, and 46 RBIs in 74 regular season games.

The "Yo-Yo" Man did not disappoint the crowd, as he smashed 9 homers in the final duel to clinch the Home Run Derby, which took place at New Taipei City's "Sinzhuang" stadium on Saturday July 21.
YOYO MAN在7/21於台北新莊棒球場舉行的全壘打大賽中,並沒有讓支持他的球迷失望,在決賽輪中轟出了9發全壘打,抱走了全壘打大賽的冠軍。

Chung Chen Yo also went into the books as the first player in CPBL history to win this event for the second straight year. The star outfielder of Lamigo Monkeys went through 4 elimination rounds (from a starting field of 12 hitters), and defeated Uni-President Lions's Kao Kuo-Ching in the final. Bashing out a total of 26 homers through the 4 rounds, the righthanded slugger "Yo-Yo" Man outdistanced the other finalist challenger Kao (total of 16) by 10 more dingers.
鍾承佑並且寫下了中華職棒的一項歷史紀錄:第一個在全壘打大賽連莊的球員。這位Lamigo Monkeys的明星球員在全壘打大賽中與其他11位打者共同競爭,經過了四輪的大戰後,在決賽輪中打敗了統一獅的高國慶,他在四輪比賽中共轟出了26發全壘打,這位右手打擊的長打好手,以10發全壘打的差距,領先了另一位決賽者高國慶(高國慶四輪共轟出16發全壘打)。

He said afterwards: "My swing was fairly smooth today, but the key is to concentrate on the ball and follow the rhythm of the feeding pitcher. It's great to win this event again, breaking record is what players should do."

The Home Run Derby is also a charity event, with the Bank of Taiwan and other corporate sponsors pledging donations, depending on homers hit on designated golden balls.
全壘打大賽同時也是慈善活動,台灣銀行跟其他的贊助廠商 根據參賽者打出的金球全壘打數進行捐款。

Donation by the bank goes to a local foundation which provides financial assistance and hospital treatment for kids and families afflicted with rare medical disorders.With the corporate donation for the "Home Run Derby", and Chung the "Yo-Yo" Man's generosity in donating NT$ 30,000 (a good portion of his winning reward), the total amount given to the charity came to NT$ 215,000 (about USD 7,200) this year.
銀行的捐款將贊助提供罕見疾病兒童與家庭金援及醫療協助的基金會,YOYO也大方的捐出了大賽獎金一部分的30000 NTD出來響應公益,今年全壘打大賽一共捐出了215000 NTD (折合約7200 USD)。

"Yes, I want to win this event next year. It's also for a good cause, so I can help those in need by donating my winning portions," said Chung Chen Yo to the press.

In the All-Star Game the following day, over 9,000 fans at the "Sinchuang" stadium witnessed an exciting see-saw battle.

The All-Star White Squad (composed of Sinon Bulls and Uni-President Lions players) would finally prevail 9-8 over the Red Squad (players of Lamigo Monkeys and Brother Elephants).
All the players got into the action to whack out a total of 26 hits, including a big home run by Sinon Bulls first baseman Lin "One Punch" Yi-Chuan.
白隊(由統一獅跟興農牛組合)終場以9:8擊敗了紅隊(由兄弟象以及Lamigo Monkeys組合),兩隊球員一共擊出26支安打,其中包括興農牛「一棒擊沉 興農神全」林益全的一支全壘打。


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